Fighting for your right to live peacefully in your own home without excessive noise


Who are We?

We are NSW residents who have been seriously affected by noise from recreational vehicles operated on neighbouring private land. We have experienced the lack of help and action by the local councils and police and the weak and inadequate NSW Noise Regulations.

It is our aim to have the current NSW Noise Regulation changed to prevent the operation of motorised recreational vehicles within 500 metres of another person’s residence and to require a permit for the operation of vehicles for recreation on any private land.

Tasmania and many regions of Victoria already have these regulations to protect their semi-rural and rural residents from unacceptable noise from trail bikes, mini bikes, quad bikes, monkey bikes, buggies, cars and all other motorised vehicles used for recreation on private land.

We have developed this website to help all those in our NSW communities affected by noise from recreational vehicles operated on private land to come together to defend our right to live in our homes and enjoy our properties without excessive or irritating noise. We are currently gathering signatures on our petition as well as engaging the community to help lobby for a change of the current NSW Noise Regulations.


What can you do?

Your experiences are vital in showing the NSW Environment Minister and the EPA how the use of vehicles for recreation on private land is negatively affecting many semi-rural and rural residents of NSW. We are collecting stories from people affected by excessive or annoying noise from this activity to strengthen our submission for a change of the Noise Regulations.

Join those who have contacted us already and SHARE YOUR STORY by completing the form below. Tell us how you have been affected by noise from recreational vehicles and if you have made complaints to your local council or the police and their responses OR tell us why you want the regulations changed to protect you from this noise happening to you.